Home Life Skills Development Medical Curriculum Vitae Includes The Most Excellent 4 Ways

Medical Curriculum Vitae Includes The Most Excellent 4 Ways

by Mohammed Mohsin

Medical Curriculum Vitae is simply not sufficient to train any physician to cope with the social, cultural, and economic aspects of medical conditions.

Dynamic Knowledge

The dynamic knowledge about behavioral science focuses on the study of Psychology, Anthropology, and Sociology; all collectively constitute Behavioral Science. Economics, political science, geography, and history have also been included in Behavioral Science. Besides, several biological sciences such as zoology, pharmacology, physiology, and neurology, to a great extent, have made a suitable place within the field of Behavioral Science.

What does the Medical Curriculum say?

It is very often criticized that the present medical curriculum is simply not sufficient to train any physician to cope with the social, cultural, and economic aspects of medical conditions. A wide-ranged multidimensional knowledge of medical science, including the study of Behavioral Science is mandatory for effective total care, life skills, and management of the patients in this field of behavior. The knowledge of Behavioral Science and its application provides a great opportunity to all physicians and patients simultaneously.

Before we jump into the dynamic knowledge of Behavioral Science, we should have at least, a brief knowledge of the keywords in Behavioral Science such as Behavior, Psychology, Anthropology, and Sociology:

The Key Words in Behavioral Science: Medical Curriculum Vitae

What is Behaviour In Medical Curriculum Vitae?

Behavior refers to anything a person or an animal does that we can observe in some way. It is a collective voluntary movement in response to the motives, attitudes, and decisions of an individual. It is voluntary and not by force. Behavior, therefore, can refer to every activity of a person or animal, which can be observed in some ways, recorded, and studied. Similar kinds of activities, when observed in a group of people, are called patterns of behavior.

Behavior is mostly purposive. A human mind cannot be heard or seen, but we can see and hear behavior. Man’s behavior is the result of the combined effects of physical, mental, and social interactions. When all these factors work smoothly in human life, we can expect a normal pattern of behavior. The behavior of an individual influences his personality.

What is Psychology In  Medical Curriculum Vitae?

The science of behavior includes the events of the internal mind. The knowledge of this science facilitates the study of human problems. The unit of psychology is the study of an individual.

What is Anthropology In Medical Curriculum Vitae?

The science that deals with all aspects of man and human beings. Read more.

What is Sociology In Medical Curriculum Vitae?

The science of society is Sociology. It is the systematic study of people living in a society. The unit of sociology is the group of study of people.

What is Knowledge In Medical Curriculum Vitae?

First, I would like to introduce the domain of knowledge for the students through my rhyme—

‘’The Knowledge is everywhere;

But it is nowhere;

Until someone pinpoints;

What the knowledge is;

And who is knowledgeable;

And what should be the desired knowledge;

Most of us and the students in particular

As a teacher, this is my worry’’

In simple language, knowing something is knowledge. But applying it in practical life with a motto of solving critical problems is wisdom. In other words, knowledge is cognitive learning, which is one type of learning. In the language of a teacher, knowledge is the collection and storage of information or experience. Knowledge, therefore, is a perception and storage of information in the brain.

What is a Specialized Form of Knowledge?

The specialized form of knowledge is the desire of most of us for a successful career. The present-day demand is the technical form of knowledge related to profession and business management. Knowledge paves the way to riches when someone knows which road to take. The knowledge rarely originated within the self. It has to be always acquired by dint of hard labor. 

There are multiple sources of knowledge- Some sources are unlimited; it is very vast and as vast as an ocean or infinity. The most dependable sources of knowledge are one’s own experience and education, particularly from the formal education of schools, colleges, universities, special institutions, public libraries, and training courses with the super specialty.  

What can Intelligent people do?

Intelligent people can easily identify the true source of knowledge and can easily obtain this knowledge from those sources through their determination and devotion. Most people obtain knowledge from books, which are considered to be the richest source of knowledge. They also consider books to be authentic sources. Some knowledge is of course obtained by self-help from the source of nature and also from the accumulative experiences of day-to-day life by a process of trial and error.

Why a lesson for the students?

As the knowledge in most cases is acquired, it must be well-organized and put into use for a definite purpose, through practical plans. Knowledge has no value and it becomes meaningless if it is not applied properly to achieve something very worthy in life. If one has to contemplate having additional schooling or training, first determine the purpose for which the knowledge is wanted and then find out where this particular form of knowledge can be obtained. These experiences and learning are vital for making a correct decision. Because the lack of decision is a major cause of failure in life at all levels, whether be it at the individual level or national level.

The human brain has certain limitations to preserve all this knowledge in memory. The power of preservation fades away over time, with the decaying process of life. We can, therefore, never reach the bottom of knowledge or its sources within the short span of life. Some extraordinary people, with God-gifted talents, can exhibit their depth of knowledge through performances in their lifetime.

What is the Society Phenomenon?

But their numbers are always restricted in our society. In any case, whatever may be the source, type, or nature of knowledge; it must have to have a positive direction and the use of knowledge must have the benefit of mankind at all times. All students, therefore, must have to bear this universal truth in mind throughout their lives. Further to know that the continuation of the research process is the key to building up knowledge. Knowledge is virtue; knowledge is strength and power. It teaches one, which he knows not. Knowledge is the key to success and progress.

Sustained academic activities are, therefore, a must to attain perfection in knowledge. Knowledge is valuable if it is used, but unused and unutilized knowledge is meaningless. People all over the world generally admire the knowledge and knowledgeable person, when knowledge is used for human benefit.

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