Home Life Skills Development Behaviorism Psychology The Most Negative 4 Odd Reasons!

Behaviorism Psychology The Most Negative 4 Odd Reasons!

by Mohammed Mohsin

Behaviorism Psychology is defined as collective voluntary movements of doing something under the influence of any force. Behavior, therefore, can refer to every activity of a person, or animal, which can be observed in some way, or the other, and this type of behavior can easily be recorded and studied.

Similar kinds of activities, when observed in a group of people are called patterns of behavior. The Behavior is mostly purposive. The purpose may be of two types; the one in which the individual has to satisfy his need, and the other in which the individual would like to be accepted in the group or society to which the individual belongs. 

Human Mind: Behaviorism Psychology 1/4 Odd Reasons

The human mind cannot be heard or seen, but we can see and hear behavior. The man’s behavior is the result of the combined effects of physical, mental, and social interactions; when all these factors work smoothly in human life, one would expect a normal pattern of behavior but in unfavorable circumstances, the pattern of behavior would be abnormal.

The man’s personality is reflected through his behavior and the behavior can also reflect our mind. So behavior is an avenue through which internal mental events can be studied. Therefore, in simple language, one can easily say that all forms of behavior are responsive to the stimuli of physical, mental, and social conditions. The responses which bring changes in human behavior are as follows:

Responses are:

  • Physical responses, skills, etc.; Organic responses, feelings, tension;
  • Intellectual responses, thinking, reasoning; and
  • Social responses or social pressure.

Causes Of Abnormal Behavior/Behavior Disorder 2/4 Odd Reasons In Behaviorism Psychology

When organic causes are known, a patient can be treated appropriately and medically. But many a time overlooked organic factors may play a great role in much abnormal behavior, whose causes could simply be functional. The psychoanalytic view of Freud suggests that much abnormal behavior is due to distortions of normal coping patterns. Freud, therefore, emphasized the concept of abnormal behaviors as functional.

Functional Causes 3/4 Odd Reasons In Behaviorism Psychology: The functional causes are mental adjustments due to the external environment

(a)Emotional conflicts

(b) Inappropriate socialization or unsocialization

(c) Faulty learning

To understand behavior perfectly, we must have to find out the causes or stimuli. Because all behaviors must have causes and the causes are complex. They include the following:

Causes or Stimuli/Dynamics of Behavior 4/4 Odd Reasons

Sights, Smells, Touches, etc., all these environmental stimuli reach the cerebral cortex of the brain through nerve impulses. The information thus received is assembled and evaluated. Based on this evaluation, another set of impulses is relayed from the cerebral cortex of the brain for appropriate actions, which are then demonstrated by various voluntary movements undertaken by the body in response to these stimuli.

All these are expressed in the form of behavior. This is known as conscious behavior. The conscious behavior is the expectation of the society from the professional groups; particularly the doctors, the nurses, the health assistants, medical assistants, and family welfare visitors, etc. 

Man’s behavior varies in different situations. The conscious behavior is the behavior, which is determined by the standards or expectations of the society.

Emotions and Feelings, the uncontrolled emotional feelings 

The behavior is very much dependent on our emotions and feelings. They originate within the body. A man at times can easily be the victim of his emotional outbursts such as anger or fear, tension, and feelings.

The Primary and Secondary Causes affect the brain such as the thalamus and the cerebral cortex. The center for primary emotions is the thalamus in the brain. It is under the control of the cerebral cortex. When this influence of the cerebral cortex is removed due to either injury or diseases of the cerebral cortex, the behavior of the person may be affected. In such circumstances, abnormal behavior is not uncommon because of failure of control of the cerebral cortex. Learn more.

Man’s Needs and Requirements 

A man’s needs, requirements, and greed can easily influence his behavior. The greed for power, the greed for money, etc. all are responsible for the change in human behavior to a great extent. We can explain this formula by the individual’s need that exceeds, so his activities exceed, the exceeding activities involve extra problems and, therefore, work as an extra burden to the individual, so it triggers to alter his behavior. Similarly, a self-satisfied or contented person is usually a very quiet individual.

But when a need is felt, the individual becomes tense and motivated; so this quiet individual then becomes a motivated tense, and aggressive individual and, therefore, it will influence him to change his behavior to fulfill his need. 

Man’s Motivation 

Motivation is an inner force, which drives an individual to certain kinds of actions. It is, therefore, at the back of a human’s mind, which ultimately changes his behavior.

Intellectual Perception 

A person’s intellectual perception, thinking, and reasoning can very well influence his behavior in any given situation. That is why each individual is found to behave in his way, which makes sense to him. This sense or reasoning then justifies his actions, which he considers quite appropriate to him.

The Instinct Of Behavior And Its Features

An instinct is an inborn natural tendency to perform a certain pattern of action without previous training. It usually refers to complex patterns of behavior, which are largely innate, genetic, and unlearned. Instinct is not only a behavior, but also it is an urge to behave, which is sometimes known as drive.

The common characteristics found in the behavior of all members of at least one set of species are adaptive and sub-serve the needs of the individual or race. They are biologically adequate and can be modified, postponed, or developed under the guidance of experience, knowledge, and environment. It is a reaction of the whole organism. Its operation involves consciousness. Perception of the object and emotional accompaniment, its response can be varied, modified, or postponed. The reflex, on the other hand, is a reaction of part of the organism.

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