Home Life Skills Development Family Matters in Building Personality It’s 100% Important For You

Family Matters in Building Personality It’s 100% Important For You

by Mohammed Mohsin

Family matters in building personality it’s 100% important for you. And a happy family ensures mental health. A family is the most universal form of institution. It is a basic unit in all societies of this world and exists in subhuman species. The family is universal and permanent as an institution, but it is transitional as an association.

Definition of Family in Perspective of Family Matters

Family is defined as a group of biologically related individuals living together in a common residence and eating from a common kitchen. The family of origin is the family in which one is born. The family of procreation is the family, that is set up after marriage. It is the creation of an individual after marriage. So family is the basic unit of reproduction, support, nurturing, transmission of cultural norms, and utilization of goods and services.

Family Matters As A Biological Unit in Building Personality

As a biological unit, family members share certain biological characteristics as a social unit. They share common dwelling places and shoulder social commitments and responsibilities as an economic unit. They also share common economic benefits and cultural functions. The family reflects the cultural heritage and determines the behavioral patterns of its members. Family is the basic and common source of referrals to doctors and health professionals for providing primary healthcare and many other social services. This unit directly impacts building personality.

One House Living Routine Practice Leads to the Impact of Family in Building Personality

Although as a routine practice, family members usually live in one household unit common residence is not a defining feature of the family. In a simple society, the family and all other members are indistinguishable, whereas, in a complex society, some members of the family may live separately and differently. This is because of the very complex nature of the society. But this should be a manageable factor in a common family life. The family generally provides a living environment for the children. Thus this environment leads its children to build personality.

Shouldering All By Family Matters


A family usually shoulders all kinds of responsibilities and expenses for the upbringing of children. It looks after their health, welfare, and education. The main stem of the family members usually influences their children to adopt a healthy lifestyle.  The family takes special care of the sick and injured. The care of women during pregnancy and childbirth at their parents’ house is common in most families in Asia. The care of the old and elderly, the care of the handicapped, and the care of the family members and nearest relatives are on top of the priority list.

Division of Labor in Family Matters

A married couple can share the responsibility of managing family matters and prefer family matters by themselves. Husband and wife can distribute their family work. In complicated situations, they can take help and advice from the nearest family members and relatives. In the majority of family life, the wife looks after the family chores and domestic affairs at home as a housewife, whereas the husband works outside the home to earn a living and support the family members, which is usually called the earning member. As such, the wife is the mistress of the family.

Family in Building Personality in a Tedious Life

In modern society, when husband and wife become the earning members outside the home, it becomes a tedious life for them. In some cases, it may complicate and neglect the upbringing of children.  It is for this reason, that most countries, nowadays, have introduced job descriptions, and job management before hiring or considering a female candidate for the job. Some societies have encouraged organizing daycare nurseries or playgroups near the site of factories or establishments to facilitate the proper upbringing of children during working hours for working mothers. 

Family Cycle

An elementary family has four stages: stage of formation, stage of growth, stage of retraction, and stage of disintegration. They are briefly described.

Stage of Formation

The stage of formation begins with the marriage between a young man and a woman to their basic family.

Stage of Growth

This stage starts with the birth of children and the increase of family size.

Stage of Retraction

This stage begins with children growing up and departing their parents to form their families. In this stage, children grow up adults and finally leave the family of origin to form the nucleus of their own families. This stage is quite painful because parents are left alone.

Stage of Disintegration

In this stage, the parents’ family disintegrates with the death of one or both parents. The ties of a joint family are quite strong and the stages are not rigid, too. However, nowadays affluence and modernization of society have engulfed large family systems, which are gradually breaking down.

Family phases are almost similar to the family cycle. During the final phase of a family, with the physical decline and death of parents and grandparents, and final distributions of goods, money, and properties; a family has to equally share or inherit as per existing laws of their country.

These laws of inheritance vary from country to country. In some countries, however, the laws of inheritance are dictated by religion. In some countries, it needs very well-defined laws because vagueness or unequal distribution may trigger lots of patterns of behavioral changes among the family members. This may become a chronic source of unpleasant situations.

Types of Families in Family Matters

The Nuclear Family is a universal and elementary form of family, consisting of a mother, father, and their children. They live in the same house and in this family type father plays a very dominant role. It is a sort of primary family, where the head of the family is the head of the household. The household is a single dwelling unit, where all people of a nuclear family live. The nuclear family is also called the conjugal family consisting of a husband, wife, and their children.

Joint Family or Extended Family, A Role to Impact of Family in Building Personality

The Joint family is a group, consisting of several married couples and their children, who live together in the same house. In such a family type, all members are usually related by blood. It is common in the Indian sub-continent family type. Most of the family members hold common property. However, such family types are dissolving very rapidly.

Three Generations Family in Family Matters

 The three generations family includes the family members, representing three generations; such as grandfather, father, and grandchildren. It occurs when young couples continue living with their parents and have their children. It is also a form of extended family. The secondary family is a sort of extended family or three generations family type, where the head of the family is not the head of household.

Basic Needs of the Family in Health and Illness

The basic primary needs of a family are food, shelter, clothing, safe water supply, sanitation, and a hygienic life with a good physical environment, a good standard of life, an elevated level of life with a physical quality of life index, a happy home, adequate social security, medical care,  and freedom from poverty.

The Role of Family

The role of the family is especially to look after the suffering patients during illness and chronic diseases such as the sufferings caused by cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, AIDS, cerebral stroke, myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, and congenital disease. The head of the family member becomes particularly worried about and other members too are concerned for the ailing patients.

Interpersonal relationships are intensely within families and play an important role in the health of family members. However, the needs and requirements of the family members in all these health and disease conditions are challenging to meet up by the family members alone in developing countries without the active support of the health and govt. welfare. Governmental support in such conditions can only come when there is a political and economic commitment of the govt, for its people, particularly the needy vulnerable section of people. Learn more.

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