Home Life Skills Development Family Attachment With Powerful 3 Keys To Know

Family Attachment With Powerful 3 Keys To Know

The Future Of Family

by Mohammed Mohsin

Family Attachment, in most countries, is based on emotional feelings and some rational thinking about a family of origin and the root of the origin. It is perhaps an inherited tendency of human beings to be attached to their nearest and closest people.

Much of it depends on family rules, customs, habits, cultures, and religious concepts of family life and the sharing of family responsibilities. This attachment becomes deeper and thicker daily because of our frequent interactions and sensible perceptibility of the needs and requirements of the family, and the preservation of family prestige and integrity of the concerned family.

Sharing Responsibilities

All the family members who usually live together or apart usually share all kinds of family responsibilities, whether economic, social, psychological, or political.

Family attachment teaches us how to share our responsibilities in each issue of family matters on a birthday, on marriage day, or a mourning day due to the death of the nearest and dearest family member.

In other words, sharing family affairs makes us closer and closer daily to our life’s satisfaction. The records of the people have indicated that such family attachment at times may lead to supreme sacrifices of life. These records are repeated in family attachment and relationships for the family’s sake.

The Future Of Family

However, the family’s future in the present-day context seems to be very uncertain and nothing can be predicted or granted. The family, its integration, and preservation have today become like a ‘’Tag of War’’. Learn more

Tag of War

Every society in this existing world is struggling hard to preserve family ties and attachments. But I am afraid that our modern industrial society and our modern affluent life and its philosophy will eventually change our old pattern family of living together with all members of the nuclear family, joint family, and three-generation family.

The Trend Of Growing Children & Adults

The growing children and the adult members are now leaving their parents, and grandparents to settle in a faraway land, or a foreign developed country either for study or in search of a profitable job, or permanent migration. Thus, it is making the vulnerable parents and grandparents live up to their own. The nearest and dearest sons and daughters, in the majority of cases, are settling down in foreign land leaving behind the old members of the family to suffer the agony of loneliness and isolationism.

In the present-day world, the family setup is, therefore, likely to be disintegrated. This is the fate of our family life now. But there may be a few exceptions to this rule of life. Let us, therefore, try and make sincere efforts to preserve family ties, family attachments, family integration, and family relationships for better family life.

Family Systems and Family Therapy in Family Attachment

Family systems theory uses an ecological approach to explain human behavior. Individual behavior is explained in terms of interactions between individuals in a family rather than in terms of motivational forces within an individual in a family. The members of the family usually reciprocally influence each other. In family systems theory, the manifestations of anxiety or depression are not usually counted as individual pathological conditions; rather they indicate dysfunction within the family. Read more

Examples in Many Countries in Family Attachment

In many countries nowadays, family therapy sessions are practical for the remediation of either a psychological or a social problem of any one member of the family. In this family therapy session, all concerned members of the family and close associates are usually involved. Family therapy includes early identification and detection of dysfunctional behavior of any member of the family. This family therapy also includes communication styles and problem-solving training.

Culture in Family Attachment

Life Skills Development

Culture As a Pleasant Manner

Culture is better called pleasant manners, a set of learned behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, values, and ideals that are characteristics of a particular society or population. It is the product of human society, and man is largely a product of his cultural environment. It is socially acquired and shared by most members of the group within society. It is an idealistic guide and a dynamic force for the majority people of society.

Culture As a Social Heritage

Culture is the total social heritage and cumulative experience of mankind’s history from the origin till to the present time. In other words, culture is a socially inherited characteristic of human groups. It is, therefore, handed over from one generation to another through traditions and customs.

Culture As A Mode Of Living

Culture generally stands for the mode of living or life, religion, language, knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, prejudices, values, customs, morals, laws, habits, and any other capabilities that are socially acquired by man as a member of society.

In other words, culture implies the whole way of life, including the finer things of life. However, the culture does not denote only the appreciation of finer things, nor does it refer only to conspicuous creations in the fields of art, literature, poetry, music, architecture, philosophy, and religion. Culture comprises much more capabilities and a good cultured person or society commands universal respect.

Culture As A Biological Function

Culture maintains the biological functioning of the human organism by providing the needs of food, drink, warmth, shelter, sexual gratification, reproduction, affection, and encouragement. It is through culture that we develop a conception of self, society, and Allah. It helps us build a relationship with the natural world and society.

Culture provides us with an integrated system of meaning and motivation. It is responsible for the maintenance of internal and external society. Culture helps us to set up our objective goals, for adaptation, and adjustment to the changing environment of nature, psychology, and society.

Culture As Human Structure

Man’s physical structures, articulate speech, and cultivable mind are very significant in developing his culture. Culture is, therefore, a product of our changing physical structure, and it is to a great extent, a product of our culture. Culture has been used on many occasions as a problem-solving instrument for excellence. But at the same time, it is also responsible for the creation of many baffling problems, which again call for cultural solutions. 

Not all members of a society need to share the same culture. There are many sub-groups within society, whose perceptions and behavior could be very different from the majority people of the society. These sub-groups are sub-cultures. Culture and civilization are not the same; culture is something inside us, while civilization is secondary and it is something outside us. The culture evolves into more complicated from through the division of labor, which develops special skills and increases interdependence between members of the society.

Language As A Means Of Culture

The language of the people is the chief vehicle of their culture within the society. A study of the cultural factors is necessary for practicing community health, and for making changes in the habits, customs, and beliefs of the people. Cultural factors often influence health and disease in both developed and underdeveloped societies.

Common Socal Norms As A Culture

The habit of alcohol drink and smoking tobacco affects people of both societies. Alcohol drink in some societies is considered a social drink, mostly accepted by the culture of Western societies and even in Indian societies, too. But this alcohol drink in excess can easily be attributed to cirrhosis of the liver and in some cases gastritis, too.

On the other hand, the cultural habit of chewing betel leaf, tobacco leaf, and caustic by people of the Indian subcontinent can very well precipitate or be attributed to oral cancer or oropharyngeal cancer. The cultural habit is deeply rooted and permissible within the norms of society. The concepts of family planning, marriage, personal hygiene, diet, nutrition, child-rearing, disposal of refuse and excreta, etc., all are predetermined by the cultural habits of the people of any society to a great extent. Read more[attitudes]


Modernization is a social change in various aspects of society, resulting from the impact of technically developed Western countries upon the less developing countries. In the modern world, the changes in the social environment are stimuli for cultural change than the changes in the physical environment.

The Difference Between Civilization and Culture

We can measure civilization but not culture. Civilization advances faster than culture. Civilization is easily passed on but not culture.  We can borrow civilization without change or loss but culture inhibits gradually into a society.

Cultural Ecology

Cultural ecology is the analysis of the relationship between culture and its environment. A cultural norm states the expected behavior of the culture.


These are the shared customs of a subgroup within a society. Learn more

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