Home Life Skills Development An Interpersonal Relationship How To Create In A Best Way

An Interpersonal Relationship How To Create In A Best Way

by Mohammed Mohsin

An Interpersonal Relationship is the development of human relationships, which is vital in our lives. The relationship, to some extent, depends on our interpersonal attractions. Sometimes, we like some people, while at other times we do not like that group.

Sometimes within a group, we like some particular people, while we do not like the rest. The general answer to this is that we like people to the extent that our interactions with them are pleasant and rewarding or reinforcing. The development of human relations or interpersonal relationships depends on the following factors.

Interpersonal attractions

Interpersonal attractions help very much in making human interpersonal relationships. They are—

Social Perception of an Interpersonal Relationship

Social perception deals with others living in the society. It depends on thorough knowledge of other people, about their personalities, their feelings, their behaviors, and their requirements. All this information will help us to perceive about others in the society. Such perspective knowledge is a great factor in the formation of human interpersonal relationships.

Proximity and Closeness In An Interpersonal Relationship

The proximity and the nearness of the surroundings in a healthy environment are very important to affect the degree of attraction between any two persons. Therefore, the closeness or proximity and the maintenance of this closeness help build up the human interpersonal relationship.

Attitude Similarity about InterPersonal Relationships

We certainly know that the physical proximity between persons and within the family members, the hereditary, and the ancestral relationships are important determinants in the formation and maintenance of human relationships or interpersonal relationships. However, it may so happen sometimes that, although we live nearby, we miserably fail to develop good human relationships.


This, therefore, suggests that there are some other factors also to be counted, which might influence our attraction and other choice of relationship. One such important factor is our attitude similarity between any two persons would help us a lot to build up our interpersonal relationship. The individual’s attitudes towards particular things, objects in particular situations, and issues have a direct impact on social interactions and interpersonal relationships.

Physical Attractiveness And Appearance

The other important factor for building interpersonal relationships is physical attractiveness. Physical attractiveness also affects people’s social participation in everyday life, although the impact is somewhat different for men than women. It is undoubtedly, true that physically attractive persons are seen to have many interpersonal advantages over their unattractive counterparts.

Individual Personality An Interpersonal Relationship 

One of the powerful attractiveness is individual personality because human behavior is reflected in their personality and this personality is very important in the development of human relationships as well as interpersonal relationships.

Continuation Of Personal Interactions

The continuation of personal interactions in society is an important factor in human interpersonal relationships. This continuity reinforces the deep bondage of interpersonal relationships.

Doctor-Nurse Relationship An Interpersonal Relationship 

The relationships between nurses and doctors with patients should be very cordial and comfortable to the patients because these are required to build up mutual trust and confidence, without which the medical profession would be in jeopardy and would suffer a lot.

So it is an interest of the profession and the interest of patients, the nurses and the doctors should be very alert and responsible, bearing in mind the target goal to achieve the highest form of development of human interpersonal relationships. Role-playing is an important and useful technique to provide discussion on problems in human relationships.

Social Interactions And Relationships

There are many kinds of social interactions such as interpersonal relationships, inter-group relationships, and group.

Interpersonal Relationship

This is person-to-person interaction and due to these interactions, a close relationship is developed. This kind of relationship is mostly seen between children, parents, friends, and teachers. The individual can learn many things from parents, relatives, teachers, and friends through this interpersonal relationship. Because of close person-to-person interactions, it is known as Interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal relationship depends upon the quality of communication between two persons, the likes and dislikes of individuals, the similarity of interactions; thinking and feelings, love and affection of individuals. If we want to know more about medical interpersonal relationships, we need to click Patient-Doctor Relationship.

Intergroup Relationship

Any individual is a member of the group, whether it is a family, community, or society. The members have to follow the traditions of the group. The old traditions and occupations are the result of person-to-group interactions and feelings. Here the individual is dedicated to accepting the pattern of behavior through social or grouped interactions, and social learning from the existing olden customs of the society. The individual here has no choice. But nowadays, in many cases, the individual is coming up with new ideas and challenging the old traditions and customs.

What do old customs say?

However, as per olden customs and traditions, the individual, living within the group, has no choice but to accept the existing traditions and customs of the society. This kind of acceptance is done through a process of adaptation, which in other words, is called socialization. Such kinds of social interactions convert the biological organism into human, social, and moral beings, which they must obey as social values. More on Social Development. To know how to maintain intergroup relationships,

Group An Interpersonal Relationship 

Development Of Human Interpersonal Relationship And Inter-Group Relationships

A group is an aggregation of people in a face-to-face situation, comprising not less than six members, and not more than twelve members. In a group, there should always be a leader, who will properly initiate the talking or discussion. The initiating member is usually knowledgeable and well-versed about the subject. Care should be taken that there is no side talking during the discussion, because any kind of side talking can hamper proper and fruitful discussion. Everyone in the group should participate in the group discussion, to ventilate or focus on everyone’s feelings, thinking, ideas, and point of view. All these will help to have a unified opinion.

An Effective Solution

Finally, the group discussion is very effective for changing attitudes and health behavior of the people. Developing interpersonal relationships is a must for ensuring sustainable peace, amity, prosperity, and life development. Peace and happiness in a group, a community, or a society can be sustainable only if all the factors of human behavior and interpersonal relationships are accurately applied and maintained in a particular parameter. Cross-limiting of an individual in society, he lives, can bring about ruin.

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Michael S. Patel January 22, 2024 - 7:35 am

The related books and products are suggested by a US doctor of Psychology so anyone can purchase them for their life skills development.

Mohammed Mohsin January 26, 2024 - 2:53 am



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