Home Life Skills Development Best Society In The World: Powerful 4 Traits

Best Society In The World: Powerful 4 Traits

by Mohammed Mohsin

Best Society in the World is a major concern of sociology. In the language of Layman, society is a group of people and the members of such a group, who are mutually concerned about each other.

Definition of Society

Society is defined as an organization, formed by a group of people, who are joined together by relationships and behavior patterns.

Society is the organization of mutually adopted personalities, who have social relationships amongst themselves.  The relationship may be primary or secondary.

Basic Concept of Living in Society As The Best Society In The World

The basic concept of living in society is not living alone but in groups, who have great feelings for each other. Nobody is alone in society, but many like you wish to live in harmony and company with their fellows. The essence of society lies in living together systematically. Although there are some likings and dislikes in society, even then it maintains a unity between its members.

Each society is concerned and its members interact with each other to be well-organized to maintain social decorum, norms, rules, regulations, discipline, and justice. People largely in society have mutual respect and try to uphold the priorities of the society, the public opinions, and social commitments and protect private properties, individual rights, and will. The members of the society do have a common culture, which is transmitted from one generation to another.

Social Institution

A social institution is a social structure and machinery through which human society organizes, directs, and executes various activities to satisfy people in society. Truly, an institution is the established practice within the society and it is an established way of doing things. The institution gradually develops from the social life of the people and their activities are standardized and scheduled to accomplish important goals.

This kind of behavior of people within the institution is known as institutionalized behavior. Each institution, therefore, has a code of behavior, attitudes, values, symbols, rituals, and ideologies. The institution is a well-organized system of social relationships, which embodies certain common values and procedures just to meet certain basic needs of society. The common procedures in an institution are set patterns of behavior, which the group usually follows. Read more


Ideology is a system of ideas, which sanction a set of norms.

Social Norms

Social norms are the rules of conduct, which are to be followed by members of society. These are shared rules of behavior.

A Norm

A norm is a standard behavior, which people in society accept.

Social Problems

Some social problems are prostitution, delinquency, the dowry system, drug abuse, drug addiction, unmarried mothers, handicaps, etc.

A Social Taboo

A social taboo is a prohibition in society that, if violated, is believed to bring supernatural punishment.

Social Welfare

Social welfare is an organized system of social services and institutions, designed to help individuals and groups attain satisfying standards of life and health, and personal and social relationships, which permit them to develop their full capacities and promote their well-being in harmony with the needs of their families and community.

Some Specific Societies Of The Best Society In The World

The Agrarian Societies

The Agrarian Society is based on agriculture and its products. The agricultural land is the most important asset for this society. The rural people of an entire community depend on agriculture, which is the major means of earning their livelihood. Recently, we have noticed in many countries that people are improving their methods of cultivation resulting in substantial improvement in food production to keep people free from hunger and starvation. However, we may find some social inequality within this group of people.

The Industrial or Modern Society

The industrial society is also called the modern society or updated society. People in this society are modern, educated, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, and innovative types. They usually work hard to improve their quality of life and economy. Therefore, they enjoy the benefit of industrialization and modern amenities of life.

The Horticulture Society

In the horticultural society, people are passive types of cultivators. In an advanced horticultural society, people have begun to shift their trade to some more profit-making trade or occupation. Tribal hilly people include such a category.

The Hunting-Gathering Society

In the hunting-gathering society, the hunting of various types of animals is the ideal means of their livelihood. This kind of society exists even today in Australia, Africa, and the Philippines even though such a society existed in the past. The Aborigines of Australia, the Bushman of Africa, and the Tasaday of the Philippines are the most notable people of the hunting-gathering society.

Social Structure

Social structure is based on income, occupation, and caste of the individual people. The caste, by definition, is a ranked group, often associated with certain occupations, in which membership is determined at birth and marriage is restricted to the members of one’s caste.

Social classes are formalized and fixed. People do not change their caste or religion, but if they find the true realism of the religion, they attempt to get changed. In this case, they assess the sort of attitudes, beliefs, and practices about supernatural power, whether that power rests in a single God or multiple spirits.

The Caste System

The caste system is a stratified social system. Some people are confined to the occupation and statuses of their ancestors especially, the Hindus. This is prevalent in some extremely conservative caste systems. The caste system also exists in the Muslim community. They are classified by their occupations.

The Social Mobility

Social mobility is an act of mobility from one social status to another. In an open-class society, social mobility is high, but in a closed society, it is very slow and very little compared to an open-class society.

Social mobility runs upward and downwards directions. Modern educated people do not bother to maintain social class, rank, or group in which they were born. In an open society, it is individual merits, creativity, and dynamicity count very much in moving people forward in actual life.

Social mobility is a social phenomenon recorded much earlier. Marriages between different sections of religious groups are even today governed by a religious system. However, the mass education and opportunity for higher education and professional education are now opening the gateway of social mobility in an upward direction.

The Social Class

Social class is a group of people with similar opportunities to obtain economic benefits, social power, and prestige. The prestige associated with social class is called socio-economic status. It is a term, which is often used synonymously with social class. Social class is measured on the three-factor index. These factors are occupation, education, and residence. Sometimes two factors index as occupation and education are also used to identify the social class. In every society, people are grouped into upper class, middle class, and lower class.

Upper-class and middle-class people enjoy a better standard of life. This level of life leads to a better quality of life index. All these factors determine the well-being of any individual or group of people in society. Learn More

Social Participation

Social participation is always less and restricted in the lower working group of people in any country. The reasons are poor economy, poor social contact, restricted friend circles, and fewer opportunities. All these factors are working as a negative force for social participation.

Socio-economic Conditions

The status is a position of prestige in a society. The socio-economic conditions include economic status, per capita GNP, education, particularly female education, occupation, productivity, and the political system of a country, particularly the political commitments for the progress of the society and its people. General people have attitudes that prevent them from making the best use of available medical resources. They usually do not give importance to personal and environmental hygiene, but middle-class people give substantial importance and priorities to personal, social, and overall environmental hygiene.

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