Home Life Skills Development Emotions How To Win Negative in 6 Powerful Ways

Emotions How To Win Negative in 6 Powerful Ways

by Mohammed Mohsin

Emotions are our enemy. The emotion is very hard to define. It is accompanied by body reactions. A person gets angry both physically and mentally. Therefore, his body and mind get involved, when he is angry. An angry man is like a beast if he is unable to compose himself in this situation. It is a complex feeling state with psychic, somatic, and behavioral components, which are related to affect and mood.

An emotion is, therefore defined as a strong feeling or more than a feeling. It is a drive of impulses to do something that brings about a greater adjustment of the organism to its environment. So, emotion needs adjustment of the whole organism to the circumstances.

Components of Emotions

There are three basic components of emotions. They are Psychic, Somatic, and Behavioral. The emotional experience is characterized by both external (Affect) and internal (Mood) changes in human beings. Emotion motivates human behavior. In other words, emotions and motives are interrelated. Emotions should be considered as motives, which keep the behavior going and are aimed at long-term goals. Emotions amplify motives to give them energy.

The expressions and perceptions of emotions are quite important in our responses to other people. The external changes in emotions are apparent and can easily be seen or noticed by others. Emotions change in facial expression and posture. By studying the facial expression, we can easily find out, if a person is angry, happy, depressed, or elevated. The internal changes brought about by emotions are psychological, demonstrated by a rapid pulse, respiration, increased blood pressure, tension, anxiety, and pain. These changes are usually temporary and subside when the individual returns to the normal state.

Some Major Emotions

There are some major and common emotions that we usually notice in an individual. They are fear, anger, love, hatred, jealousy, moodiness, joy, sorrow, sympathy, pity, lust, and grief.

Some Major Positive Emotions

Some major Positive Emotions are desire, faith, love, sex, enthusiasm, romance, and hope. These are other positive emotions, but they are the most powerful and most commonly used creative efforts. On the other hand, we can notice some negative emotions, too. They have negative effects on human life. They are as follows.

The Major Negative Emotions

The major Negative Emotions are fear, jealousy, hatred, malice, revenge, greed, superstition, and anger. The positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. One of the other must dominate over the mind. It is our responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of our minds.

Here the law of habit will help. Therefore, one should form the habit of applying and using positive emotions. This kind of practice will eventually dominate the mind so completely that the negatives cannot enter the mind of an individual. The control of negative emotions and dominance of positive emotions in life will virtually control our conscious mind is sufficient to destroy all forms of constructive ideas from our subconscious mind. How to Control Your Negative Emotions

Some Specific Emotions are fear; Phobia; Anger; Anxiety; Anxiety, Stress and illness; and Love.


There are six basic fears, that every human suffers from at one time or another. These are poverty, criticism, ill health, lost love, old age, and death. Fear is only the state of mind. It is the most common emotion that a man feels more or less in life. It may produce excitement or depression, flight or fight. The other common fears are fear of darkness, fear of animals, fear of snakes, and fear of ghosts. An exaggerated and unnecessary fear is called phobia. It is the fear of the disproportionate nature of the situation. Some features of fear are natural and some are psychological. Some are inborn and some are instant.


Such kinds of fears are common in patients with mental disorders. Fear of having Tetanus. Some people become obsessive in character because of phobia. Phobia, therefore, may be defined as an irrational or morbid fear about a thing, situation, or stimulus that normally should not evoke such fear.


It is one of the worst negative emotions of man. It is the sudden reaction of the offensive type. Anger is always a destructive force. This is one of the seven deadly sins as depicted in theology. If it is not controlled in time, it will gallop a man even to commit murder or be murdered. Uncontrolled anger could lead to destructive activities. So, it is treated as an offensive sin. But the man who can instantly compose his anger is a real hero. An angry man is almost like a beast. He loses his temper and commits heinous deeds.

The human brain has two parts. The right part is ethical and conscientious. This portion thinks positively and tries to do good to others despite being disheartened. But the left portion of the brain is evil-spirited, thinks negatively, and being dominating dares do evil things. All of us should be able to cope with bad situations.


The state of being anxious is anxiety. This is another major negative emotion, that may manifest in human beings as rapid pulse; rapid breathing, flushing of the face, tremors in hands; and lower extremities, sweating, dryness of mouth, nausea even vomiting at times, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, extreme headache, rapid heartbeat, raised blood pressure, and sometimes unable to cope with normal activities. The patient is very often admitted to the hospital with an anxiety state. This becomes a neurosis problem. Anxiety leads to tension and accumulative tensions that may lead to vague pain all over the body.

The medical professional should, therefore, be able to identify and diagnose correctly the patients with anxiety and anxiety state, take appropriate measures, and reassure the patients. A kind word of comfort from the doctor and nurse will work like magic and will give the patients considerable relief from the mental agony due to anxiety.

Anxiety, Stress, and Illness

Anxiety and stress in human life are inseparable and people at all levels have little control over them. The situations in recent days have aggravated because of population pressure, industrialization, urbanization, globalization, resource constraints, etc. The psychological stress of limited resources and capacities has compelled people to suffer from hypertension and coronary heart diseases, with an increasing rate of homicidal and suicidal acts.

In human beings, undue exposure to stress and strain seriously affects their health, by alteration of psychological function and by change of behavior due to stress, which indirectly affects their health. In general, the rule is more stress, more illness, and less stress, less illness.


Love is an emotional feeling of the mind. It is an attachment to some persons. The loss of valuable energy is called love. It is one of the major positive and basic emotions of man. The primary emotions are derived from evolutionary processes. These are inborn characteristics of human beings. It might be innate or inborn.

The Role of Medical Professionals in Human Stress & Anxiety prone to Behavior and Illness

The medical professionals, the doctors, and nurses should be able to understand the emotions of the patients. This knowledge and understanding will be of great help to the patients to meet their needs. Mutual trust between patients and medical professionals can be developed only when the emotional barriers are broken down. This will make the patients talk more freely and will bring them closer to the medical professionals. For the healthy growth of a doctor-patient relationship, the emotional barriers must be broken. The expected and desirable qualities of a doctor and nurse are cheerfulness. Temperament, moodiness, emotional inability, and getting easily upset are not at all desirable qualities of medical professionals.

But the fact remains that medical professionals at times work under very stressful situations and sometimes they may have personality traits, which make them more vulnerable to emotional disturbances. The emotional disturbances of both doctors and patients could be attributed to high rates of suicide, alcoholism, abuse of drugs, and addiction and finally may lead to the breaking down of marriages, family ties, and even friendships.

Medical professionals like all other people in society very often live under very stressful conditions and continuous stressful living precipitates emotional outbursts and abnormal behavior and performances, which have a great impact on professional life. They must, therefore, be trained enough to relax and adjust better in stressful situations of life, as otherwise, the medical professionals will fail miserably to demonstrate a balanced behavior to command respect against hard-pressed duties and responsibilities. In short, the role of medical professionals should be very friendly, cooperative, and helpful in human stress, anxiety-prone situations, and also in illness.

Role of emotions in health and diseases

The emotional states determine human behavior. The negative emotional outburst will interfere with the efficiency of human beings. This usually leads to the loss of appetite, insomnia, undue palpitation, and lack of concentration at work, both inside the industry as well as on the roads and streets, leading to many kinds of undue accidents, which in normal circumstances could have been averted.

Many diseases are aggravated pretty early in life, because of frequent emotional disturbances. This may lead to life-threatening Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular accidents and even premature death by suicide. The common psych-social diseases are Hypertension, peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. All these conditions are attributed to disturbed emotional states.

The Emotional Disorders in Children That We Must Know

The emotional disorders in children are Temper Tantrums, Spasms, Ticks, Abdominal pain, and anti-social behavior such as aggressiveness. The lack of love, affection, and tender care in children is the root cause of emotional outbursts, which are displayed in various forms of signs and symptoms.

The following tips may be quite useful in controlling one’s emotions

  • To cultivate good habits of recreation, reading, and relaxation.
  • To find out individual hobbies to suit self. It is a sort of diversion in human lifestyle and activities.
  • To adopt a philosophy in life to avoid any kinds of mental conflicts and try to lead a healthy life, which is both socially and economically productive.
  • To try to understand human limitations and adjust to living within means.
  • To try to develop a sense of humor in life and be contented with what you have and thus attain a relaxed and comfortable life.

A study of psychology helps us understand the very basis of the origin of emotions and emotional changes in human life and try to keep emotions under control by ‘’ self-help’’ in all situations of life.

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100 אחוז תמונות אמיתיות דוגמנית על מתל אביב July 30, 2022 - 4:57 am

Excellent post. I certainly love this website. Continue the good work!

Mohammed Mohsin October 19, 2023 - 8:20 am

Thanks a lot.


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