Home Life Skills Development How to Sleep Well Every Night 6 Excellent Ways

How to Sleep Well Every Night 6 Excellent Ways

by Mohammed Mohsin

How to sleep well every night is essential for health, particularly for mental and physical well-being.

Average Sleep

Our knowledge is scanty as far as sleep is concerned. We do not even bother to calculate why we must spend at least one-third of our lives asleep. Disturbed and unsound sleep is a big problem in human life. We all need sound sleep on an average of at least 7-8 hours per night.

How Long Do Adult People Need Sleep?

An adult needs 8 hours per night for rest and recuperation. The sound sleep is called an uninterrupted deep sleep, where the person concerned cannot be aroused by ordinary room noise.

How Long Do Old People Need Sleep?

Old people need less sleep while children need more sleep. Our life expectancy diminishes in less or more sleep per night. An old man should moderately sleep 6 hours. However, less than 4 hours is sufficient but not enough. Medical science and psychology simultaneously emphasize this period of sound sleep well.

How Long Do Children Need Sleep?

Children need more hours than old guys. They need more than 10 hours per night. There is some biological tendency to fall asleep in the mid-afternoon, especially the old people. This may occur even after a good night’s sleep regardless of whether the person has had lunch. The sleep has 5 stages.

Different Stages Of Sleep For How to Sleep Well Every Night

Sleep covers 5 stages so far our psychosis and neurosis are concerned.

Stage-1: fast waves, light sleep.

Stage 2: also fast waves and light sleep but not as fast and light. The first and second stages of sleep occupy approximately half of the sleep time of adults.

Stage 3: covers deep sleep with slow delta waves.

Stage 4: covers deeper sleep with slower delta waves. Stages 3 and 4 approximately occupying 10% of the sleep of adults.

Stage-5: REM.

Rapid Eye Movement (REM): How to Sleep Well Every Night

Rapid eye movement sleep, which occurs every 90-110 minutes, lasts between several minutes initially and 20-40 minutes at the end of the night. REM sleep never starts normal sleep. The narcolepsy patients start sleep with REM. REM occurs in human newborns, congenitally blind people, and animals reared in the darkness. It is associated with increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and decreased tone in the body’s skeletal muscles except eye muscles, hyperventilation, excessively deep and rapid breathing, clitoral, and penile erection, and vivid recallable dreams.

What Do Physiology & Biochemistry Say?

In recent years, our knowledge of the physiology and biochemistry of sleep has advanced and our knowledge and understanding of the relationship between sleep and its associated disorders have enriched to a satisfactory level. Such disorders are night terrors, nightmares, sleepwalking, bed wetting, enuresis, sleep deprivation, sleep apnoea, narcolepsy, and sleep-related periodic myoclonus are some of the commonly recognized conditions.

Causes of Insomnia/Sleeplessness

How to Sleep Well Every Night


In the sleep apnoea, the airflow at the nose or mouth stops, but the respiratory rate may or may not cease as well. People with this disorder fail to sleep deeply because of anoxia, so they become chronically tired. In the elderly and infants, sleep apnoea may be the cause of sudden death during sleep. The ordinary people in any society are very much concerned about sleeplessness. But this cannot be defined properly until one can do scientific measurement of sleep disorder.

Emotional People Sufferings

Emotional people often struggle to get a good night’s sleep. They tend to prioritize their emotions over their health resulting in difficulties in falling or staying asleep. They roll on their bed, yet they can hardly fall asleep.

Unstable People

People demonstrating an unstable character often experience sleeplessness. They struggle hard to adhere to their principles leaving them in a constant state of dilemma, making it challenging for them to make the right decisions. As a result, they frequently face the difficulties of an irritable mind and may exhibit peevish behavior, even towards their family members.

Over-Ambitious People

People who display characteristics of being over-ambitious often experience problems with sleep, manifesting as insomnia. These types of people possess a fervent drive to see their aspirations come true but frequently find themselves out of their expectations. The persistent pursuit of their dreams can leave them feeling restless and anxious, particularly when faced with obstacles or failures.

As a result, the mental anguish and stress they experience can lead to chronic sleeplessness. Then they precipitate the onset of depressive symptoms as well as anxiety disorders. Over time, this sleeplessness develops various mental health conditions and even results in a reliance on substances such as drugs. The absence of restful sleep exacerbates these people’s struggles, which impact their overall well-being.

Depressed and Mentally Sick People

Depressed and mentally sick people are very ill people. Ordinary pain such as headache, backache, body ache, etc., and Migraines headache cause sleep disturbances. Excruciating pain due to serious illness such as metastasic cancer of any part of the body causes sleeplessness.

Excessive Drinking Of Tea or Coffee

Excessive drinking of tea or coffee, or both, causes sleeplessness because of the stimulant effect of caffeine. Caffeine interferes with the body’s ability to fall asleep, leading to restlessness and disrupted sleep at night. This is completely prohibited during pregnancy.

Excessive Smoking

Excessive smoking irritates the eyes and nerves, so it causes sleeplessness. Pregnant women are prohibited to keep away from smoking. A puff of a cigarette contains billions of nicotine, which is not only mortifying to health but also to your newborns.

Drug Dependence or Addiction to Alcohol

Drug dependence, particularly addiction to some aphrodisiac drugs keeps you aloof from sleeping well at night. It causes sediment in your body and so it has a chronic impact on your body. Excessive drinking of alcohol causes stimulation in the nerves, so it hampers sleep.

How to Sleep Well Every Night

Sleep Hypnotism

All the above conditions need thoughtful solutions from you, whether you will continue or stop there. However, sound knowledge of relaxation exercises well upon your body. You can follow sleep hypnotism and religious norms to sleep well every night or during your pregnancy period. Pregnant women should consult with their doctors about how to sleep well during pregnancy.

Relaxation Training

Relaxation training using biofeedback for sleep disorders can help you sleep well every night or sleep well during pregnancy. The pupil’s state of relaxation and tension is monitored by an electrical skin resistance meter, and it is relayed back to them via audible tone. Through the feedback of their performances, the pupils gradually learn how to attain a relaxed state at will. This is, therefore, an obvious aid for combating sleeplessness.

Control Your Obesity about How to Sleep Well Every Night

Control your obesity. Read more

Check up on Diabetes about How to Sleep Well Every Night

Check up your diabetes and keep it under control. Learn more

Early to Bed & Early to Rise about How to Sleep Well Every Night

Try to go to bed earlier, and sleep on your right head leaning against your right hand.

Religious Norms about How to Sleep Well Every Night

You can say Alhamdulillah-33 times, Subhanallah-33 times, and Allahuakbar-34 times. This is a perfect therapy for the insomnia patient. Take an ablution before going to bed. Cleaning yourself is next to Godliness.

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