Home Basic Life Skills For Adults Keys to A Successful Marriage: 6 Best Tips

Keys to A Successful Marriage: 6 Best Tips

by Mohammed Mohsin

Keys to a successful marriage always ensure a happy conjugal life. Marriage is the custom of a civilized society. Hence, marriage is a socially and ritually approved sexual and economic union between a man and a woman. It is more or less a permanent form of union for leading a peaceful happy life. In other words, marriage is a union of two mature men and women ritually performed and approved. 

Keys to A Successful Marriage, a Contractual Living

In such a union, the persons concerned have certain mutual rights and obligations between two spouses and their children. It is a sort of contractual living usually between a man and a woman that is legally, religiously, and socially approved. This contractual living has economic, social, and sexual commitments between the marital partners.

Certain societies have provisions for a period of reconciliation between the partners before the final verdict for divorce. However, in some societies of other countries, odd marriages between male and male, and female and female have been reported. In some societies and some religious sects, marriage between close relatives is not usually permissible.   

Keys to A Successful Marriage Treated as Universality of Marriage

Since marriage has become a custom all over the world, it is, therefore, counted as a very universal norm. Societies take it as an institutional and sacramental form of bondage. Everyone in society intends to get married sooner in life and participate in reproduction to continue the progeny and sacred duties and responsibilities of life and societies as dictated by the religious concept of the Almighty Allah.

Characteristics of Universality Marriage: Keys to A Successful Marriage

The characteristics of the universality of marriage are virtually under the control of the primary motives of human beings. Such practices can find many solutions to common social problems of mankind. It teaches us to share products of a gender division of labor; how to care for infants; who depend for a long time and how to minimize sexual competition. The economic, religious, and social elements of marriage are very important.

Dowry System in the Indian Subcontinent

Dowry is a substantial transfer of goods or money from the bride’s family to the bridegroom. Sometimes indirect dowry is given by the groom’s family to the bride. This is a nefarious thing done by the bride. This heinous dowry system within Hindu marriages is a real threat to the breakdown of marriages in the Indian subcontinent.

Lots of stories of inhuman and physical torture which might be grievous injuries, killings, or mental inflictions of the newly wedded brides are very often seen in the press media, electronic media, and social media in the Indian subcontinent. However, nothing heard of such a dowry system within Western advanced societies, although inhuman torture and killings of the brides and married women are not common within Western advanced societies, too.  But we are not sure, whether this practice of universality of marriage can find out the best solution to human problems.

How to Eradicate Dowry System For Keys to a Successful Marriage

Dowry is a great malady of any society or any religion. Only the well-educated youths can take the initiative and take an oath to uproot the dowry system. The youths should think for a time that parents bring up sons and daughters in the same way by spending their money. Their parents take equal care and affection for their sons and daughters. They never show any discrimination against them. However, we are certain so far that this practice of universality of marriage has helped us from generation to generation at different periods with the best outcome of all human efforts for the progress and prosperity of society.

Gender division of Labor and Universality of Marriage: Hindrances to Keys to A Successful Marriage

In every society, males and females perform different economic activities. This gender division of labor has been cited as one of the important reasons for marriage. As long as there is a division of labor by gender, society has to have some mechanism by which men and women must share the products of their labor. Marriage has been considered as the best possible way to have some form of solution and therefore, marriage has been accepted by all societies in this world to share products of their labor. This is probably the only reason why marriage is respectful and universal

Types of Marriage

Monogamy: Monogamy happens between a man and a woman. This form of marriage permits only one mate at a time.

Polygamy: Polygamy is plural marriage. It happens to get more than one spouse simultaneously. It is the plurality of mates.

Polyandry: Polyandry is the marriage of one woman to more than one man at a time, but this is very rare. Although it exists in some societies, it is a form of polygamy, in which a wife has many husbands. Several husbands share a wife.

Marriage is supposed to form a family. It is the universal form of institution called a basic unit of society. During subhuman species, marriage led families to live peacefully.

Norms in a Family Setup as Keys to Successful Marriage

A married couple means husband and wife. Marriage must have registration. In the Indian subcontinent, immediately after marriage, the girl usually leaves her parents’ home to start a new life with her husband at the residence of the husband. This is where the norm of society. In odd circumstances, after marriage, a young man may have to live in the house of his wife or the residence of the in-laws.

However, this is not considered prestigious. It is looked down upon by the society. As per the prevalent custom of the society, the wife has to live and share the residence of the husband. It is the prime duty of the husband to provide a decent home and a decent life and maintain all members of the family.  Learn More

Motto of Marriage

The aims and objectives of marriage are many. Firstly, marriage aims at reducing illicit and illegal relationships between a man and a woman. Illicit relationships create unapproved sex that leads to AIDS. The prime motto of marriage is to sustain peace and happiness in society so that one cannot infringe on social norms. Secondly, marriage aims at producing a peaceful conjugal life by giving birth to children and creating bondage. In this arena, Islam plays the best role. Finally, marriage ensures economic certainty for married couples.

Importance of Marriage

Marriage is significant to all adult men and women. To avoid illicit relationships in societies, there is no alternative to marriage. It stops free sex, free-mixing, and maladies like AIDS. Marriage must be easy. Adult boys and girls should be married as soon as possible to avoid sins and their moral degradation.

Keys to A Successful Marriage:

Family Ties

Marriage is the basis of successful family ties. The key factors that come out through research on marriage are the two elements of Islam. In this regard, the Quran says, ‘’ And it is He (Allah) Who has created man from water, and appointed for him relatives by blood, and relatives by marriage’’.

Center of Love, Care, and Cooperation

Marriage develops love, care, and cooperation between the husband and wife. It gives peace of mind and provides a secure atmosphere for the growth and progress of the whole human race. Without marriage, the human race would come to vanish. Marriage was the practice of all Prophets and Messengers including Muhammad (SAW).

Religious Institution

Marriage is a religious and social institution and not simply a sexual relationship. Marriage is a relationship between two same-minded souls. It is not merely a marital relationship between the husband and wife. It is a relationship between two greater societies.

Marriage is not a doll-play. It is a sacred contract between a groom and a bride. A great deal of thought is necessary before the couple decides to marry. Because the matter is permanent, communal, and has a far-reaching effect on the couple’s life here and hereafter.

Considering Criteria as per the Hadith

While selecting the bride and groom, consider some criteria. Of them, piety should come before all other considerations. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, ‘’Do not marry only for the sake of beauty, maybe the beauty becomes the cause of moral decline. Do not marry even for the sake of wealth; maybe the wealth becomes the reason for disobedience. Marry rather on the grounds of religious devotion.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in another place says to the guardians of brides, ‘’If you hear a proposal of marriage from a groom, you become satisfied with his character, don’t reject him and marry him, otherwise, it will be a reason of moral disorder’’.


Who will select the Bride or the Groom?

Who will select the bride and groom? There are three opinions regarding who will select the bride and groom. Parents or guardians will select them, the bride and groom can select themselves, and there will be a proper combination between themselves and their parents. They must sit together before making a decision. Islam does not allow guardians to force their decisions on their sons and daughters.

What does the Hadith say?

Once a woman came to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and said, ‘’My father has married me off to my cousin to raise his social standing and I was forced to do it’’. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sent for the father of the girl and then in his presence gave the girl the option to remain married or nullify the marriage. She replied to the Messenger of Allah that she accepted what her father did, but she wanted to show other women that they could not be forced into marriage.

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