Home Life Skills Development Medical Ethics for Forensic Psychology The Best Powerful Guide

Medical Ethics for Forensic Psychology The Best Powerful Guide

by Mohammed Mohsin

Medical Ethics for Forensic Psychology and Behavioral aspects associated with medical ethics are comprehensive. Medical ethics ideally focuses on doctors, nurses, and patients. The tri-meter behavior is very significant in the sense that all concerned must maintain moral principles of behavioral practice and philosophy in Medical Ethics for Forensic Psychology: Solution to Suicide Tendencies.

Medical Ethics for Forensic Psychology to Solve Suicide Tendencies

Medical Ethics is a discipline that deals with moral principles of practice, philosophy, and law. We can learn more about medical ethics from Patient-Doctor Confidentiality.

An Oath for Medical Ethics And Forensic Medicine: Medical Ethics for Forensic Psychology

The Hippocratic oath of a physician is considered a basis of the Declaration of Geneva (1948) and adopted by the General Assembly of the World Medical Association in Geneva, Switzerland, in September 1948. The Declaration of Geneva is intended to be sworn when a doctor is admitted as a member of the medical profession.

Forensic Medicine

Forensic medicine deals with the application of medical knowledge to help establish justice in the court of law. Violence, which includes accidents, suicide, and homicide, is the leading cause of death under the age of 40. All these aspects seriously affect behavioral patterns in human society.

What is an accident according to Medical Ethics And Forensic Medicine?

Behavioral Aspects Associated With Medical Ethics, Morality, And Forensic Medicine

According to WHO Advisory Group in 1956, an accident is defined as an unpremeditated event resulting in recognizable damage. The extent of damage could lead to injury, death, and property damage. The factors involved in accidents are human and environmental. Within the human factors, the psychological factors are included. These are lack of experience, poor perception, defective judgment, delay in decisions, aggressiveness, impulsive behavior, family disturbances, and taking risks in life. Human precipitating factors responsible for causing accidents are anxiety state, very high emotional tension, alcoholism, and drug abuse or addiction.

Environmental Factors

Environmental precipitating factors responsible for accidents are social pressure, bad weather, and special traffic conditions including defective roads, and motor vehicles. Road accidents are alarmingly high in underdeveloped and developing countries due to congestive and narrow roads, reckless driving, and unlicensed drivers.

What is Suicide, and why do people commit it?

Suicide is defined as the conscious act of self-induced annihilation or getting killed. It is a multidimensional malaise in a needful individual, who perceives the act of suicide, to be found as the best solution. Suicide is generally regarded as an outcome of severe depression and the rising incidence of suicide will reflect a rising incidence of depression, anxiety, and neurosis. Suicide is one of the three leading causes of death among 15-44-year-old people globally. It is one of the leading causes of death and the second most preventable cause of death in the USA, second only to lung cancer. It is associated with significant behavioral problems.

Factors for Suicide: An Easy Way to Solve Suicide Tendencies by Medical Ethics in the Light of Medical Ethics for Forensic Psychology

The risk of suicide increases with age, the peak being the middle age for women, and over 65 for men. The higher rates are within the urban population, where large numbers of people live singly in an isolated and lonely way. The high rates of suicides occur in Sweden, Austria, Hungary, and Japan; and the low rates are found in Ireland and Spain.  The conservative religious group is less prone to commit suicide.

Suicide is forbidden in the Islamic religion. The rate of suicide in Islamic countries, especially the practicing Muslims, is zero or 1%. This figure is diverted from the religious track or derailed from family or society. The Protestants are more likely to make suicide attempts, but men are more prone to kill themselves.

What is the WHO data about Suicide?

According to WHO data, suicide rates are increasing alarmingly all over the world except the Islamic countries. The rate is increasing in women in most countries. The increase is marked in young women. In Denmark, suicide is the double responsible for deaths compared to road accidents. The heredity, environment, lifestyle, and socioeconomic conditions are to some extent responsible for an act of suicide.

The suicide rate fluctuates with the growth and fall of economic cycles; the highest rate being noted during the period of economic hardship. The vulnerable group who are prone to commit suicide are in most cases, single, widowed, separated, and divorced persons. Married persons have comparatively lower rates of suicide.  In most situations, suicidal acts are also found within diseased persons.

Who are the Victims?

The suicidal victims are largely psychiatric patients, who suffer from depression, alcoholism, schizophrenia, and serious medical systemic illnesses of a chronic incurable nature. Such diseases are rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peptic ulcer, tic douloureux, trigeminal neuralgia,  and chronic renal failure with lifelong renal dialysis. Persons of higher social status in the USA are at great risk; the higher rate is seen among professionals, such as lawyers, dentists, female physicians, musicians, and police.

At times, the high mountainous geographical territory induces suicidal attempts, too. Besides, the suicidal rates may have seasonal variations; the highest is noted during spring in the USA. Past suicidal attempts are usually considered a great risk and 10% of them would eventually kill themselves.

Recent Study in the USA: An Easy Way to Solve Suicide Tendencies by Medical Ethics

The study in the USA has revealed comparatively lower concentrations of 5 hydroxy indoleacetic acid, a metabolite of the indoleamine serotonin, in the cerebrospinal fluid of people. In medically developed countries, where suicide prevention centers have been established in the city areas; but it has not been proven to be very successful. However, we can also try to open such suicide prevention centers at least in the city areas just to try to minimize our suicidal rates. The Protestants have higher suicide rates than Catholics. That unmarried have higher suicide rates than married that urban people have higher suicide rates than rural people.

Recorded Risk Factors Associated With Suicide

Single divorced, widowed, unemployed, retired persons, chronic debilitating prolonged illness, depression, recent divorce, death of spouse, treated psychiatric patient with frequent recurrence, refusal to accept help, prior suicide attempts, male sex, rage, outburst of uncontrolled temper, chronic alcoholism, and drug abuse in the elderly people are the vital reasons of committing suicides.

What is Homicide?

The killing of human beings by another human being is Homicide. There are two major types of homicides; one is lawful and the other is excusable and justifiable homicide. The unlawful type is divided into excusable and justifiable homicide. The unlawful type is divided into murder, culpable homicide; either amounting to murder or not amounting to murder, and rash or negligent homicide.

Why do most People In The USA Commit Suicide? An Easy Way to Solve Suicide Tendencies by Medical Ethics

Homicide is also a leading cause of death in the USA and the rate has increased recently to its highest peak. It was also recorded during the great depression caused by economic hardship. The perpetrators and the victims are in the majority of cases, teenagers and young adults with a peak age range from 15 to 34. It is also considered as the second cause of death in adolescence.

The majority of perpetrators and the victims are men and in most cases, the homicide victims are related to their killers by marriage than by blood. The homicide is primarily intra-racial with whites killing the whites and blacks killing the blacks. It is common among the poor and the less privileged in urban slums-ghettos.

Who are they?

It seems that general people have become less tolerant, and would not hesitate to kill fellow brothers, even for trifling matters. This, therefore, indicates a serious deterioration of human values, respect, rationality, and judgment. In some cases, the cold-blooded murder or a planned murder even for small material gain indicates our gross behavioral changes and definite signs of animal instinct and association, a remedy of which is very hard to find.

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