Home Life Skills Development Medical Ethics Practice Questions An Easy Way To Use 4

Medical Ethics Practice Questions An Easy Way To Use 4

Dr Ethical Code

by Mohammed Mohsin

Medical Ethics Practice Questions are disciplines that deal with ideal human conduct and moral values, in which actions are judged as right or wrong. In the case of persons or institutions, it is judged as praiseworthy or blameworthy. Philosophical ethics is concerned with ethical study, whereas theological ethics is the study of moral behavior.

The theories of ethical principles for Medical Ethics Practice Questions are-

Respect for autonomy,


•Beneficence, and

•Justice and Equity

What are the ethical practices in healthcare?



•Compassion, and


What are some ethical issues in medicine?

The Ethical Practice of Medicine needs both scientific knowledge of Medicine as well as the knowledge of ethics particularly of Medical Ethics.

In the majority of cases, nowadays ethical consideration is very often ignored and the majority of decisions are made based on gain or loss. Sometimes, ethical considerations and decisions are found to be very difficult and often the majority of people in society fail miserably to appreciate ethical considerations.

In medical decisions, there are two important features of ethical considerations. The first choice of action is a hard reality and the second choice of action has to count the opinion of the people involved, such as doctors, nurses, patients, etc.

Within the domain of ethical practice of Medicine, the functions and responsibilities of a practicing physician come to the forefront. However, a medical practitioner must follow the practicing Law of his or her country and should be strict with medical ethics. Medical ethics is a discipline that includes Medicine, Philosophy, and Law. This discipline mainly focuses on moral dilemmas and values in medical care. However, how to prepare for that is to take guidance from the most preferred books. Read more

Dr. Ethical Code for Medical Ethics Practice Questions

Ethical Practice in Medicine

Medical ethics teaches us how to identify the priorities of the patient and the principle to follow is non-maleficence, that is, the doctor cannot harm the patient at any cost. The clinical practice of Medicine should follow clinical ethics, which involves ethical consideration and ethical priorities, and these priorities are to see the patient’s preferences and benefits, medical indications, quality of life, and some external factors.

In any ethical practice of medicine, there is no scope for naked advertisement and profit sharing from extra-irrelevant and costly laboratory investigations, which at times are beyond the capacity of the patient. 

1. Unethical Practice in Healthcare

We can see this arbitrational practice in developing and underdeveloped countries. In the ethical practice of Medicine, besides the treatment of a patient, the practicing physician must tell the truth to the patient, particularly in the case of the use of new drugs and new experiments. In any research experiments where a particular patient or a group of patients are involved, the whole phenomena of research has to be explained to the patient to request permission and to tell them that everything is done over here is fair and clean and for the benefit of human beings.

In the case of a patient’s inability to offer consent, the close relatives or legal guardians have the right to approach. But in emergency conditions, where a patient is unconscious, the physician should use his discretion to use a life-saving new drug either for therapeutic trial or for treatment.

2. Ethics in Medicine Book: Medical Ethics Practice Questions

Fortunately, good medicine always follows good law. In medical practice, a doctor has to pay more attention to the legal and ethical aspects of patient care. The attending physician must be ready to co-operate at all times with their colleagues; whose efforts should be strictly to follow appropriate laws in defense of cases.

The controversial medical ethical issues such as birth control, abortion, and the patient’s right to die in serious terminal cases- widespread cancer, coma, irreversible brain damage, etc. need to be handled properly and humanely. That is why medical professionals need to know medical law, ethics, and bioethics deeply. Nice to get help from the prescribed books.

3. A Moral Code for Ethical Conduct and Practice in Medicine

The right to have proper treatment,

•The right to have secrecy and privacy,

•The right to know about the nature of illness and treatment required,

•The right to have patient access to his history record file and this record has got to be preserved confidentially, and should not be divulged except in a court of law,

•The right to have a clear idea about the medical bills and expenses. The physician should explain and obtain prior consent from the patient in case of extra excessive expenses, which may go beyond the capacity of the patient.

In the developing world, it is necessary to know about the patient’s background and justify the patient’s responsibility, social status, level of education, and the patient’s capacity to understand the concept of health and illness behavior. Health is both a consequence of a patient’s lifestyle and factors in determining it.

A patient’s responsibility and his life depend much on many factors, reflecting patterns of living. It involves interaction between the patient’s behavioral, cultural, environmental, and socio-economic status.

4 Ethical Rules in Healthcare

A great part of a patient’s responsibility is to change the lifestyle to improve and protect the health of an individual, group, or community; but professional experiences suggest that it is easier said than done. On the whole, a patient’s responsibility is influenced by conscious thought and the patient’s awareness to protect himself in the face of an unfavorable environment, which needs interaction between disease, agent, and host to knock down someone to become a victim of the disease.

General people do not want to be ill and to be called patient, but when they become ill, they want prompt recovery and fitness at low or no cost; this is the whole philosophy of the patient, which therefore, compels him to behave oddly and brings him to confront with the attending physician. But in a situation of illness, the patient expects and demands sympathy, tender care, and soft and comforting words of consolation from the attending doctors, the nurses, other health team members, and relatives, too.

Sometimes, a responsible patient avoids medical consultation for fear of detection of diseases of a serious nature, such as cancer, ischemic, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, and AIDS. The doctors, the psychologists, and the sociologists, therefore, fail to understand the patient’s responsiveness to illness or disease.

In simple language, we cannot define or determine exactly the responsibility of a patient. There is a wide gap or variation in dealing with a sick man. It ultimately affects the patient-doctor relationship, patient-nurse relationship, and even doctor-nurse relationship.

However, a good patient-doctor relationship, patient-nurse relationship, and doctor-nurse relationship eventually overcomes all odds in medical practice whether it is clinical or ethical practice.

Ethical in Medicine

A good doctor is a good physician who always attends to his patients carefully irrespective of poor, rich, caste, creed, color, and sex. He dedicates his professionalism to the sake of patients. His enticing touch cures a patient soon. His behavior helps a patient come around when he shows him the rays of hope. A good doctor is always positive. He copes with negativity. To be a good doctor, you need to know how to become a good doctor in modern herbal or aliphatic medicine.

A Good and Responsible Patient in the Light of Ethical Medicine

A good and responsible patient should be frank with the doctor. He should disclose his problems spontaneously. He should have faith and confidence in his doctor. His norms of behavior should be balanced. All these factors are counted much for ethical medical practice, patient’s rights, and responsibility.

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