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Psychology To Medical Study How To Do In 13 Ways

by Mohammed Mohsin

Psychology To Medical Study deals with the mind and soul together. The only motto of this science is to frame the body with the mind to ensure peace and happiness in an individual’s life. 

Definition of Psychology: Psychology To Medical Study

The science dealing with mental processes, both normal and abnormal, and their effects on behavior is treated as Psychology. There are two main approaches to the study: introspective, that is, engaging in self-examination of one’s mental processes; and objective, studying the minds of others. Read more.

In another way, psychology is defined as the science that studies the mental processes, the internal mind and consciousness; and behavior of all living organisms, human and animal. In other words, psychology is the science of behavior, which includes the events of the internal mind. There are two things involved here, one is the mind, and the other is the consciousness. The mental processes that affect human behavior are thinking, reasoning, feeling, desiring, willing, knowing, intelligence, and emotions. Learn more.

Some characteristics of Psychology are shown below

  1. Abnormal Psychology: The study of deviant behavior and the associated mental phenomena.
  2. Analytic Psychology: Psychoanalysis based on the concepts of Charl Jung, de-emphasizing sexual factors in motivation and emphasizing the ‘’collective unconscious’’ and ‘’psychological types’’ that are called- introvert and extrovert.
  3. Animal Psychology: The study of animal behavior to be afraid of. This branch deals with a common feature of phobia.
  4. Applied Psychology: The application of the principles of psychology to special fields-clinical, industrial, educational, nursing, or pastoral.
  5. Clinical Psychology: The application deals with mental health psychology to diagnose disease, treatment, and nursing.

Why is the application of Psychological science made? 

The application of this science in psychology is done to study human problems. It studies the human behavior of either an individual or a group in society. The unit of psychology is individual, whereas the unit of sociology is the group. It studies how people should behave in society as an individual. The study of psychology not only includes behavior but also the study of the internal mind. The human mind is reflected through an individual’s behavior. So behavior is an avenue through which the internal mind can easily be studied. 

The objectives of psychology 

The objectives of psychology are to co-relate the existence of stimuli and responses. Psychology has an applied side, which includes the application of knowledge to bring the solution to practical problems. This applied knowledge is, therefore, considered an art or a skill, which has got to be acquired through studies, experiences, and practices. The principles of psychology can be suitably applied to break through bad habits and promote healthy behaviors among patients.

The stimuli are factors of stimulations, which are considered events and, therefore, produce responses, and psychology just co-relates between the stimuli and the responses. 

Psychology as a subject 

The subject of psychology is vast, and it has a broad scope, which includes: Normal Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Social Psychology, Community Psychology, Child Psychology, Developmental Psychology, School and Educational Psychology, Medical Psychology, Applied Psychology, Industrial or Organizational Psychology, and Psycho-analysis. Thus the subject of psychology virtually includes every aspect of human life and every type of human relationship. The basic psychological needs of all human beings are affection, love, independence, achievements, and recognition.

Social Psychology 

Social Psychology is the science of the behavior of an individual in society. It expresses the collective mentality as distinct from individual psychology. The primary focus of social psychology is on mutual understanding, how an individual is affected by the influence of other people in society. It, therefore, includes the study of ways in which we can perceive different people’s feelings and desires and how these perceptions would affect our behavior towards them. Human beings have a mental need for love, affection, understanding, security, and freedom of thought and expression. When these needs are not met satisfactorily, they will seriously affect his body and mind. 

Child Psychology and Developmental Psychology

Child Psychology is the aspiration of children to fulfill their needs and requirements. The child needs tender care, affection, sympathy, and protection from parents without which the child will develop as an abnormal child. Child psychology comprises a large part of developmental psychology. Developmental psychology is concerned with the behavioral changes that occur in the growing stages of the child, the period of adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Child psychology emphasizes the changes in behavior that appear in the early years of life. Developmental psychology is, therefore, significant for us to know the children, mainly growing children, who react at different periods in different ways.

Community Psychology Needed For Psychology To Medical Study

 Community psychology tends to protect the community directly or indirectly and identifies the community’s role, function, authority, and authenticity in the welfare of the community. It is a broad field of psychology in which psychological knowledge is required to solve social problems, and people attempt to adapt to living and working conditions as per community norms and directions. In other words, it is a process of adaptation to community living to satisfy community expectations and fulfill community commitments and needs.

School and Educational Psychology

Educational psychology may include school psychology. Educational psychology is mainly concerned with the increasing efficiency of learning and motivational changes to follow strict curricula at schools, colleges, and institutions. School psychology tries to pinpoint the problems and suggest corrective measures for the school students and teachers. School psychology always intends to protect school interest, the discipline, and curriculum of course of studies, the methods and techniques of a learning process to be imparted to the students monitor the progress of studies of students, and maintain a healthy environment of the school.

A healthy environment particularly, sanitation and hygiene of the school campus and provision of mid-day school meals, sufficient sports facilities, regular health check-ups, immunization, and periodical thorough health check-up by the school health medical officer or nurse, are part of the school’s psychological needs. Above all, health education and the inclusion of important health instructions in school syllabi are some of the major demands of the time.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Industrial psychology is primarily applied to identify the problems of industries and organizations and to have aptitude tests in selecting employees. It should also ensure a healthy and safe environment as per ILO regulations. The production of industry and the well-being of industrial workers are part of industrial psychology.

There are two different psychological roles played in an industrial organization. One is protection and safety, and another is the proliferation of industry and its products. The safety measures include the safe environmental condition of the industry where the workers feel safe and secure working conditions within the industrial complex. The owner of the industrial set-up usually takes the upper hand to look after the industrial proliferation and profit, and the workers usually work hard and at the same time demand to protect their health and safety, and profit-sharing benefits such as bonuses, pensions, incentives, and other applicable benefits.

Medical Psychology: Psychology To Medical Study

Medical psychology deals with patients suffering from disorders of the mind. Persons trained in medicine and psychology, are called psychiatrists. A psychiatrist is, therefore, a physician who is trained and qualified in medicine and human psychology and is competent enough to look after patients caring for mental disorders, both in institutional practice as well as in general practice, like that of specialists of all other branches of medicine.

A psychiatrist in any country is a medical degree holder along with a higher post-graduate degree or diploma holder in psychiatry. In community health care, the care of mental health is very important and, therefore, its knowledge is mandatory for all medically qualified persons. Since human psychology’s role is vast, it should, therefore, include every aspect of human life, activities, and relationships in the context of community, society, and country.


A psychologist may not be medically qualified but must have a degree in psychology.

Psychotherapy: Psychology To Medical Study

It is a method of treatment of psychological disorders and mild adjustment problems utilizing psychological techniques. Behavior change techniques and behavioral relaxation training, etc. are used to help reduce the distress of almost every type of medical disorder.

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