Home Life Skills Development Social Development Makes You The Most Reliable in 6 Ways

Social Development Makes You The Most Reliable in 6 Ways

by Mohammed Mohsin

Social Development focuses on the lowest unit of society which is the family, where we get immense opportunities to develop our lives. On the other hand, the scope of our social life enhances along with our age. A family greatly influences to form our behavior and character. When we get out of home, we might start finding friends who can also affect the formation of our moral and social development. So the wise say,” Society makes a man.”Our moral values develop following any family or community member as a model.

Social Development

Man is a social being- who does not know this? Living in a society is our inborn tendency. We want to keep harmony, amity, and peace in our community which helps us develop our life. We must follow social norms, etiquette and manner, rights and privileges, and whatnot! We cannot do whatever we like. A good society teaches us many things that flourish our lives and make us worthy citizens. All kinds of actions done in the community can form our behavior. But the picture of an evil society is quite different. It can turmoil our lives. 

Nature/characteristics/features of Social Development

We can only lead a happy and prosperous life if we strictly follow social norms, notions, and functions. We can realize that we are developed if we gain these features in our lives. 

  • When our social development is enhanced with increasing age;
  • When this trend continues;
  • When it commences with the social development process;
  • When we gradually master the techniques of adaptation to social complexities;
  • When our social development takes place in the social environment;
  • When our consciousness functions more rapidly behind social development;
  • When our social, physical, mental, and emotional development become fruitful; 
  • When it usually happens through socialism; and
  • When we gain input and output in real life.

Factors of Social Development

All the elements that directly or indirectly influence our development are social development factors. As our endeavor is necessary, some external factors can assist us in developing. They can be our family, religion, language, education, state, and culture. They are briefed.

A Family To Social Development

Social development starts in the family as charity begins at home first. The role of family models in our life. Our life is mainly influenced by our superior family members like our father, mother, elder brother, sister, and granny. Familial education is the reproduction of behavior. A man is known by the conduct he delivers. In this case, our family plays a significant role in shaping our behavior.

Religion To Social Development

Religious teachings, traditions, and cultures, also influence our lives to a great extent. Religious faith and values form our conduct and how our behavior should be. All kinds of actions we do between ourselves and with the creatures of Allah are called social behaviors. There are some other synonyms for it. These are transactions, communications, connections, business, contact, etc social behaviors are divided into two, such as conduct toward human beings and conduct toward the created animals, called mu’amalah (inter-dealings).

Language To Social Development

The influence of speech is excellent in shaping our socialism. We exchange our thoughts and feelings through language and thus create mutual friendship, coordination, cooperation, and whatnot! As a result, we can enhance our social development.

Education To Social Development 

Education helps in developing socialism. Education aims to enlighten the individual through proper knowledge. Acquiring knowledge is its primary motto. It dispels ignorance and enkindles the light and thus produces an individual in all respects.


The role of a state or government is very significant in developing an individual. The condition can control its citizens by enacting laws. As a result, it influences an individual’s behavior.


An individual’s lifestyle is encompassed by the culture in which he grows up. The social development process largely depends on the culture. Diversified cultures create different citizens. So we must think of developing our development with cultures.

Importance of Social Development

We live in a society. No man can live without society. That is why Aristotle said,” The man who does not live in community is either an angel or a beast.” Therefore, man is a social being. We warmly receive idealism, make a mutual relationship, and build our lives as per the teaching of our society. And for this, we can develop our social life. We achieve many things in the community that enhance our life skills. Such life skills achieved through hardship gear up our future lives.

Community is always progressive. We need to adapt ourselves to the current to gain efficiency in life. The potential skills we learn from society permanently impact our minds. We can only lead successful lives once we adjust to humanity’s current affairs. We don’t like to say we should accept the bad, illegal, unlawful, unsocial, and other notable negative things; instead, we should skip them but learn them for the future to implement them positively. To make a beautiful life, we need to develop our social skills, without which we cannot think of our life. All fruitfulness of an individual will fail to rust if s/he cannot physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually develop their social life. 

Social Values 

Social values, amity, and fellow feelings are the most amazing bondage of social development. Social values can be sustained through reforms and conduct; hence, these elements are essential to social values. People concerned should practice progressiveness, social norms, and morality to promote sustainable peace.

Universal values must be consistent in the community, albeit there might be variations of thoughts and opinions. It must attempt to reflect on every inhabitant. Social discipline, amity, friendliness, cooperation, and all abstract feelings must be present in society. A good community can gift us good citizens. The organization makes a man. Only this motto can be achieved through practicing social values. We can build a remarkable society when these objectives are sustained, and everyone pays due respect to social norms.

Functions of Social Values

Social values make society more effective progressive, enjoyable, and life-oriented. So its residents can build up a peaceful environment. The following are suggested to maintain and develop the social values that ensure worthy and skilled citizens.

  • To create awareness among all;
  • To abide by the social norms and disciplines;
  • To practice the social rules;
  • To practice the traditions, customs, and culture;
  • To cope with and abide by the social laws;
  • To motivate socialism;
  • To extend social amity;
  • To enforce the control of social management;
  • To control obnoxious and obscene activities;
  • To stop the use of drugs;
  • To prevent drug addiction;
  • To take initiatives to prevent women’s torture;
  • To ensure a safe environment;
  • To extend social aids;
  • To provide social security;
  • To develop integrated education;
  • To eradicate social discrimination;
  • To make sure of the rights and privileges of women and children;
  • To extend social development;
  • To arrange fair and enjoyable recreation;
  • To enhance social reformation and mutual trust;
  • To practice own culture; and
  • To initiate social development institutions.

Functions of Value-Degradation

Degradation of social values occurs due to malpractice, maladjustment, indiscipline, misconduct, etiquette & manner, injustice, unhappiness, torture & infliction, jealousy, etc., that we do and commit without caring for others. The most common functions responsible for the Degradation of social values are as follows:

  • Social violence;
  • The tendency of wrongdoings and injustice;
  • Unsocial activities;
  • Tendency to drug addiction;
  • An adequate supply of intoxicating drugs;
  • Women torture and infliction;
  • Eve-teasing;
  • Floating prostitute;
  • Mendicancy;
  • Deception;
  • Delinquency;
  • Free sex;
  • Acid violence;
  • Corruption;
  • Breaking laws;
  • Mistrust;
  • The aggression of foreign cultures; and
  • Open mixing.

Impact of Social Values

The importance of social values in our personal, social, and professional lives is beyond description. We can develop peace and happiness in our social, emotional, and familial lives by implying the scope of social values. The new generation can be created in a balanced way if we materialize the following areas.

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